Bus Transfers To and From Makassar Airport

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Buses Makassar Airport with Bus Routes and Times

A bus named TRANSARBAGITA provides service from Makassar Airport to multiple regional destinations. The base rate is 30,000 rupiah, which runs from 8:00 AM up to 10:00 PM every day.

Route 1: Bandara - Citraland Celebes

Sudiang - BTP - UNHAS - Tello - TMP - UNIBOS - A.P. Pettarani - Mall Panakukang - Boulevard - Hertasning - Aeropalla - Citraland Gowa

Route 2: Bandara - Pantai Losari

Sudiang - BTP - UNHAS - Tello - TMP - UNIBOS - RS. Awal Bros - Bawakaraeng - Kartini - Kajaolalido - Boto Lempangan - Best Western Hotel - Hj. Bau - Jl. Penghibur - Pantai Losari

For more options and other updates, please visit the airport information desk.